Discover a vibrant 3D animated series that follows five friends on captivating adventures, exploring the wonders of our world and galaxy. It's an engaging journey filled with mysteries and valuable STEM concepts presented in a casual, vlog-style format, capturing the voice of the Gen Z and Gen Alpha generations.
Witness the evolution of our characters from traditional 3D animation to a more stunning, photorealistic style using cutting-edge motion capture technology.
One of the primary characters leading this evolution is EJ, introducing a more immersive experience in the Clubhouse.
Delve into EJ’s World, an engaging and educational YouTube channel, where EJ from the STEM Kids Clubhouse leads exciting explorations into finance, economics, chemistry, and sports. Experience learning fused with fun in an entertaining and informative way.
EJ's Twitter and YouTube page further deepen his storyline, allowing fans to follow his adventures. Experience the captivating fusion of informal vlogging and educational adventures in EJ's World, offering a relaxed yet enriching approach to learning and connecting with young audiences.